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Deliveroo is closing operations in Hong Kong
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McDonald's 麥當勞
串燒王 BBQ King
龍點心 Lung Dim Sum
上海弄堂菜肉餛飩 Shanghai Lane
九份飽 Jiu Fen Full
Dough Bros North Point - Pizza & Doughnuts
甜姨姨 Auntie Sweet
大哥雞飯 Brother Chicken Rice
魚事者 (炮台山) Fisholic (Fortress Hill)
PizzaExpress Pizzeria
呇 Qi - House of Sichuan
Wing Fat Restaurant 榮發茶餐廳
Harvest House Sushi 家賀屋刺身壽司專門店
SHU FAMILY 蜀香門第私房館
Pause It
JoJo Indian Cuisine
Mirror Burger
甜蜜軟融 Sweet Fusion